Monday, January 31, 2011

It rained the whole entire day, at least ever since i woke up this afternoon. Mood is a expression where no words can describe but objects or any other things can. For it, today's rain can totally describes my mood. Chinese New Year is just round the corner, and im just being reluctant about it. Haven't gotten any new clothing for this festival. Maybe i just have to pass for the next.

On the side note, ytd was indeed a splendid day spent with the guys. Not much to say, but nice play, nice chat and nice stuff spent tgt. Always looking forward to someday, someplace, someone!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When you say "you dont deserve it"; the others will do more to ensure you do in the heart or smth. How truth is that? Whatever it is, I have no rights to comment on it. For it, theres always a beginning and an ending; its just matter of time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

When are things avoidable? When are they not? I don't know. From what I am facing now, all I can say is that; mine is unavoidable. Decided to stay alone and be strong all by myself. For what i know, it doesnt suit my style of being lightless. For I deserve a better me!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

the more i reach, the further it gets ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Round Moon Night